As if by magic
The TrustSens temperature sensor continuously calibrates itself in the running process – a milestone for temperature measurement engineering.

How TrustSens works

(1) Regulated industry
Measuring points in the life sciences and food & beverage industries often have to be dismantled and reassembled several times a year in order to be calibrated. This is time-consuming and costly, in particular for large plants.

(3) Physical phenomenon
The sensor takes advantage of the so-called Curie temperature: a constant value which, once attained, abruptly changes the characteristics of a material. The Curie value can be precisely determined for every material.

(5) Minimal effort
Human intervention is only necessary if the TrustSens sensors report a malfunction. Calibration certificates can be provided automatically via asset management software such as Endess+Hauser’s FieldCare.

(2) Sense-it-yourself
With TrustSens this is a thing of the past: it is the first sensor that can carry out its own traceable calibration – continuously and on-line. This reduces the risk of unrecognized measuring errors down to a minimum.

(4) Built-in reference
A special reference (master) sensor supervises the primary temperature sensor. A calibration of the primary sensor occurs each time the Curie temperature of the reference sensor falls short.

10 years of research and development back up TrustSens. The Endress+Hauser life sciences network initiated the breakthrough technology. Customers and partners from the world of science were closely involved.

850.000 euros is the amount a plant operator can save with TrustSens over a period of five years if 1,000 temperature sensors have to be recalibrated twice a year. By this sample calculation, the extra investment pays off after only the second calibration.

Published 10.10.2017, last updated 16.12.2022.
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