25 stories by tag “Champions of change”
Pranabesh Das has been working as a service technician at Endress+Hauser India for more than 10 years. To help a customer, he embarked on a journey of 1,800 kilometers and 24 days of quarantine in the middle of a hard lockdown. Why? Here he tells his story.
Together with Germany’s largest wastewater treatment operator, Endress+Hauser is developing a process for direct, on-site detection of the novel coronavirus in wastewater, thus offering a better way to monitor local infection activity.
The pandemic brings significant challenges, but for modern analytical technology and remote monitoring, it becomes a springboard. Steve Beeston of the engineering and consulting firm Wood shares his experiences.
Endress+Hauser had to keep its eye on regional lockdowns during the pandemic. Measurement instruments were warehoused – and automatically delivered to customers once they were able to accept deliveries again.
For years, Endress+Hauser has been accelerating the pace of digitalization. This is now helping customers ranscend borders and simplify their daily activities. Here are three examples.