A clear sense of direction
Endress+Hauser pursues long-term goals for corporate development, with strong values as the foundation. This pays dividends – for people, for the environment and for the company.

Vote of confidence
Which companies enjoy the highest levels of trust? To find the answer, German business magazine Focus-Money launched a study that evaluated 21,000 companies and brands across more than 200 industries. In the measurement technology category, Endress+Hauser topped the list. Although the study result is a snapshot of feeling, it does raise the question of what this trust is based on, especially now after two years of the coronavirus pandemic.
Endress+Hauser could always deliver during the pandemic. Supply and logistics chains held up despite being under strain. Considerable effort went into safeguarding the availability of materials for production; long-term supplier relationships also helped here. In the area of transportation logistics, specialists managed to secure the required capacity despite frequent interruptions to the chain. “We fought for every shipment,” reports Oliver Blum, Corporate Director of Supply Chain. The on-time delivery rate exceeded 90 percent, an excellent figure even in normal times.
of all deliveries were received on time by Endress+Hauser customers in Europe during 2021.
account-holding customers used functions of the endress.com website in 2021.
Endress+Hauser was always available during the pandemic. A key factor here was digitalization: salespeople were able to consult with customers while working from home and service technicians provided remote support. The endress.com website has long offered not just information but a wide range of services. Customers value closely interlocking physical and virtual worlds. Digital business may still represent a small share of overall global activities, but the online sales channel is up and coming, emphasizes Nikolaus Krüger, Chief Sales Officer: “In Brazil, a fifth of sales volume is online, and six out of every seven customers are digitally active.”
Endress+Hauser was always reliable during the pandemic, including for its employees. From the outset, the Group announced that it would do everything possible to retain people and avoid short-time working. Sales and production were ready for when business picked up again, and the workforce demonstrated its full commitment. “Trust in the Endress+Hauser brand rests on the people in the company,” stresses CEO Matthias Altendorf. “They live up to our values and deliver on our brand promises.”
million sensors were manufactured and delivered by Endress+Hauser last year.
Next generation
The next generation of the shareholder family is in the ascendant. Sandra Genge, granddaughter of company founder Georg H Endress, is the newest member of the Endress+Hauser Supervisory Board. She succeeds Hans-Peter Endress (75), who is stepping down upon reaching the age limit. Sandra Genge, born in 1977, is a self-employed communications consultant and a mother of three. She has represented the younger generation of the shareholder family on the Family Council since 2006.
“The company is demonstrating how proven measurement technologies can be steadily advanced. That puts Endress+Hauser in our top 10.”
Swiss business magazine Bilanz on Endress+Hauser achieving seventh place in the 2022 ranking of Switzerland’s most innovative companies.

Life-saving jabs
Vaccination against the coronavirus reduces infection risk and is effective at preventing serious illness. That’s why many Endress+Hauser locations made it possible for employees, their family members and even people in nearby companies to receive a jab. One especially significant initiative took place at the production facility in Aurangabad in western India. With support from CII, an industry association, and Bajaj, a multinational conglomerate, Endress+Hauser erected a vaccination center on the Group’s campus. Employees of micro, small and mid-sized companies across the region, and not least residents of surrounding villages, came in droves to be vaccinated at no cost. More than 50,000 doses have been administered to date.
Signs of transition
The energy transition is taking clearer shape at Endress+Hauser too, producing some noteworthy results.
Green commuting
Around 250 people produce measurement technology for Endress+Hauser in Aurangabad, India. They are bused in from the surrounding area and brought back home in the evening. Two electric buses manufactured by Tata Motors recently went into operation, each nine meters long and carrying up to 34 passengers. As photovoltaic systems on the roof of the Aurangabad plant generate green energy, the electric buses are not only free of emissions while on the road but can also be charged in a climate-friendly way.
Heat on tap
More than 25,000 square meters of new buildings at the flow measurement technology plant in Reinach, Switzerland, are climate neutral. Photovoltaic systems are part of the location’s energy concept, with supplementary solar panels boosting the installed capacity to one megawatt peak. Another key to energy efficiency is a 57,000-liter heat storage vessel that accumulates operational waste heat and releases it as needed for heating the premises and producing warm water.
Blooming sustainability
A wind tree – a metal construction with miniature wind turbines – has long stood in front of the Endress+Hauser Liquid Analysis facilities in Gerlingen, Germany. Now a sunflower has also sprouted up there. The Smart Flower has photovoltaic modules on its petals, which unfurl and follow the sun’s course throughout the day. At nearly five meters in diameter, the solar flower is visible evidence of the location’s sustainable energy concept, producing power of up to 4.5 kilowatts.

Ideas in action
Have you already acted on your New Year’s resolutions? Dozens of Endress+Hauser employees are setting a good example. CEO Matthias Altendorf got the ball rolling with his support for the Endress+Hauser Water Challenge. This involves employees around the world taking part in charity runs to raise money for projects that provide access to clean water. The Group doubles each donation. Given that Covid has impeded communal endeavors, now anyone can become active on their own as long as the chosen goal is tied to a physical activity. The Group’s CEO has set his own objective of splitting 10 cubic meters of logs from his own patch of forest. Around the globe, 120 employees have signed up to participate as joggers, skiers or swimmers for this good cause. Campaign proceeds flow into new water projects in the Philippines and India.
Innovation incubator
Polluted water, tainted foodstuffs, contaminated milk: rapid molecular analyses will one day enable on-site detection of contaminants in even the tiniest amounts. Endress+Hauser and Hahn-Schickard, a German non-profit research association, have created a joint venture – Endress+Hauser BioSense – tasked with developing the methods and instruments needed for in-process and laboratory applications. Like other innovative Endress+Hauser units involved in novel sensor technologies, biosensors and solutions for Industry 4.0, the new startup is based on the campus of the University of Freiburg, Germany.

Training initiative
Well-trained specialists count among the keys to success for Endress+Hauser. Commitment to training young people is also an expression of social responsibility. With this in mind, Endress+Hauser plans to more than double the training rate over the long term, with five percent of all positions set aside for interns, apprentices, trainees and students.

electromagnetic flowmeters have been sold by Endress+Hauser since 1977. This technology can be used to measure electrically conductive media such as water, milk and beverages, in addition to slurries, acids and alkalis, in pipes with diameters ranging from a tiny 2 millimeters to a massive 3 meters.
Published 01.03.2022, last updated 20.06.2022.
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